liberated, empowered and free to become the most expressed you, you've ever been. together WE WILL change the world.
while supporting every teenager we meet - to walk this crazy uncertain path of life a little less confused, lost and alone, and a lot more liberated, empowered and free. we do this by sharing our stories, and creating fun and relevant solutions (designed by teenagers), so that TOGETHER we can make a positive difference in the lives of our youth. our dream is empowerment, and instead of treating the symptoms, to look for ways of eradicating the root cause of rising rates of loneliness, suicide, anxiety, addiction, bullying, depression, self harm and anorexia. We believe in HOPE, and creating a kinder, more unified, accepting and loving world for teenagers to exist within, with a space to turn our experiences of pain into empowering, and purposeFULL hope, and action.
To create a safe place and space to have our unified voice, ideas and opinions heard, while making a positive difference in the lives of teenagers, and the next generation.
4 Bed | 6 Bath | 5,210 SqFt
8 Bed | 13 Bath | 11,490 SqFt
After 11 years in the wellness and coaching industry, and experiencing first hand the rise in youth isolation, loneliness, addiction, self harm and suicide I have decided to return to my original mission .. of EMPOWERING TEENS, to discover ways to empower yourself, and each other. now we don't do this by TELLING you what to do and how to live your life, you get enough of that. It's all about creating a loving, kind, safe and encouraging community, and space, where you are free to be yourself, express yourself, and begin to figure things out about life along the way. Yes, this means unapologetically, messily, uncertain and often without all the answers sharing, as TOGETHER we discover ways to feel proud of who we are everyday.
- Rosie
- Kathryn
Join our growing community of empowering teens "breaking the old role rules"
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